By Paul Townsen
Car insurance premiums can be pretty expensive, and you may be ready for a change. If you are ready to shop around for a new rate, then you may also be wondering how you can get discounts on car insurance. Here are some ideas on things you can do to get a lower rate.
The first step is to plan to spend some serious time doing online research. The more you are willing to shop around, the more likely you will find car insurance that has been discounted. With the number of insurance companies who are vying for their share of the market, the companies must be competitive and many offer special discounts and low rates, you just have to spend the time to find them. Some websites will help by making comparisons for you, which can really speed up the process.
As you begin quote shopping, you need to be armed with enough information for the companies to provide accurate estimates for you. Although many websites don't require personal information, they still need enough information to work from. This will include your age, location, marital status, number of annual miles you put on the vehicle, make, model, and year of the vehicle, and so forth. The less information you provide, the less likely the company will be able to quote discounts. If you have special anti-theft or safety features on your car, for instance, you may qualify for additional discounts, but if you don't let the company know, they won't quote you that discounted price.
If your driving methods have changed or will be changing soon because you just joined the van-pool to work or you are now working closer to home, you may be eligible for low mileage discounts. In addition, if you have taken certain defensive driving courses, these may qualify you for additional discounts.
Look at which family member is insured as the main driver on each vehicle. If you want cheap car insurance, play around with this feature on one of the websites you are looking at. Plug the husband in as the main driver on the truck with the wife on the sedan, and then switch main drivers to see if it makes a difference - often it will. Always insure your teenage drivers on the oldest, least valuable car that you own.
Another way to get discounts on car insurance is to adjust the deductible you are willing to pay if an accident were to happen. If you have a low deductible, then you are more likely to have a higher premium, and the reverse is also true. If you have a higher deductible, then your premium will be lower. You will have to decide what is most cost effective for you. Just remember to have money set aside or enough liquid assets that can be quickly converted to cash in the amount of the deductible in case an accident really does happen.
By looking for all of the available discounts, and asking about others you may not even know about, you will be able to find cheap car insurance that provides you all of the coverage you and your family need.
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